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When a user creates a file or folder (which is possible if that user is allowed Create Files/Write Data or Create Folders/Append Data, respectively), the user is the creator and initial owner of that resource. Any permissions on the parent folder assigned to the special account Creator Owner are explicitly assigned to the user on the new resource. As an example, assume that a folder allows users to create files (allow Create Files/ Write Data), and the folder s permissions allows users to Read & Execute and Creator Owner Full Control. This permission set would allow Maria to create a file. Maria, as the creator of that file, would have full control of that file. Tia can also create a file and would have full control of her file. However, Tia and Maria would be able to only read each other s files. Tia could, however, change the ACL on the file she created to grant Maria greater access; Tia s full control of her file includes the Change Permission permission.

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If for some reason Tia managed to modify the ACL and deny herself Full Control, she could nevertheless modify the ACL because an object s owner can always modify its ACL, preventing users from permanently locking themselves out of their files and folders.



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It is best practice to manage object ownership so that an object s owner is correctly defined. This is partly because owners can modify ACLs of their objects and partly because newer technologies, such as disk quotas, rely on the ownership attribute to calculate disk space used by a particular user. Prior to Windows Server 2003, managing ownership was awkward. Windows Server 2003 has added an important tool to simplify ownership transfer. An object s owner is defined in its security descriptor. The user who creates a file or folder is its initial owner. Another user can take ownership or be given ownership of the object using one of the following processes:


Administrators can take ownership. A user who belongs to the Administrators group of a system, or who has otherwise been granted the Take Ownership user right on a system, can take ownership of any object on that system. To take ownership of a resource, click the Owner tab of the Advanced Security Settings dialog box as shown in Figure 6-9. Select your user account from the list and click Apply. Select the Replace Owner On Subcontainers And Objects check box to take ownership of subfolders and files.

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Users can take ownership if they are allowed Take Ownership permission. The special permission Take Ownership can be granted to any user or group. A user with an Allow Take Ownership permission can take ownership of the resource and then, as owner, modify the ACL to grant himself or herself sufficient permissions. Administrators can facilitate the transfer of ownership. An administrator can take ownership of any file or folder. Then, as owner, the administrator can change permissions on the resource to grant Allow Take Ownership permission to the new owner, who then can take ownership of the resource.

End Sub Private Sub EncryptButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles EncryptButton.Click EncryptConnectionString() End Sub Private Sub DecryptButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DecryptButton.Click DecryptConnectionString()


Restore Files And Directories user right enables the transfer of ownership. A user with the Restore Files And Directories rights may transfer ownership of a file from one user to another. If you have been assigned the Restore Files And Directories right, you can click Other Users Or Groups and select the new owner. This capability is new in Windows Server 2003 and makes it possible for administrators and backup operators to manage and transfer resource ownership without requiring user intervention.

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the postgraduate share, set the quota to 300 MB, and select the Deny More Disk Space To Users Over Quota check box He should then edit the properties of the folder that hosts the administrative staff share, set the quota to 500 MB, and select the Deny More Disk Space To Users Over Quota check box Finally, he should edit the properties of the folder that hosts the academic staff share, set the quota to 800 MB, and select the Deny More Disk Space To Users Over Quota check box C Rooslan should edit the properties of the volume that hosts the undergraduate share He should navigate to the Quotas tab, select the Enable Quota Management and Deny Disk Space To Users Exceeding Quota Limit check boxes, and on the Quota Entries tab, add the Undergrad group and apply a 100-MB quota.

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