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The term ~ ~ c ~ ~ used in this~ ~ e to mean the process structure of a is t e c ~ chapter concurrent program together with the way in which the elements of the program interact. For example, the client-server architecture of 10 is a structure c o n s i s ~ g one or more client processes interacting with a single server process. of The interaction is bi-directional c o ~ i s t i n g a request from a client to the server of and a reply from the server to the client. Thisr g a ~ ~ a t i o nat the heart many o is of distributedco~puting applications. The client-server architecture can be described independently of the detailed operation client and server processes. We do not of need to consider the service provided by the server or indeed the use the client makes of the result obtained from requesting the service. In describing the concurrent architecture of a program, we can ignore many of the details concerned plication that the program d e s i ~ e d i m ~ l e ~ e n t . advantageof is to The studying architecture is thatwe can examine concurrent program structures that can be used in many different situations and applications. In the following, we lo at some architectures that c o ~ o occur ~concurrent iny programs.

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